Phase 1 – History History of Internet - Phase 2 – Web and Server Technology 1....

Complete Web Application Penetration Testing bundle!

Phase 1 – History

Phase 2 – Web and Server Technology

1. Basic concepts of web applications, how they work and the HTTP protocol -
2. HTML basics part 1 -
3. HTML basics part 2 -
4. Difference between static and dynamic website -
5. HTTP protocol Understanding -
6. Parts of HTTP Request -
7. Parts of HTTP Response -
8. Various HTTP Methods -
11. HTTP Request & Response Headers -
15. Authentication with HTTP -
16. HTTP basic and digest authentication -
17. What is “Server-Side” -
18. Server and client side with example -
20. Introduction to UTF-8 and Unicode -
24. Hex encoding & ASCII -

Phase 3 – Setting up the lab with BurpSuite and bWAPP



Phase 4 – Mapping the application and attack surface

2. Mapping application using robots.txt -
3. Discover hidden contents using dirbuster -
5. Discover hidden directories and files with intruder -
6. Directory bruteforcing 1 -
7. Directory bruteforcing 2 -
8. Identify application entry points -
10. Identify client and server technology -

11. Identify server technology using banner grabbing (telnet) -
12. Identify server technology using httprecon -
13. Pentesting with Google dorks Introduction -
15. Use Nmap for fingerprinting web server -
16. Review webs servers metafiles for information leakage -
17. Enumerate applications on web server -
19. Map execution path through application -
Fingerprint web application frameworks -

Phase 5 – Understanding and exploiting OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities

1. A closer look at all owasp top 10 vulnerabilities -


10. Using components with known vulnerabilities -



Phase 6 – Session management testing

1. Bypass authentication using cookie manipulation -
2. Cookie Security Via httponly and secure Flag - OWASP -
3. Penetration testing Cookies basic -
5. Session fixation 2 -
6. Session fixation 3 -
8. CSRF - Cross site request forgery 1 -
9. CSRF - Cross site request forgery 2 -
10. CSRF - Cross site request forgery 3 -
11. CSRF - Cross site request forgery 4 -
12. CSRF - Cross site request forgery 5 -
Admin bypass using session hijacking -

Phase 7 – Bypassing client-side controls

1. What is hidden forms in HTML -
2. Bypassing hidden form fields using tamper data -
3. Bypassing hidden form fields using Burp Suite (Purchase application) -
4. Changing price on eCommerce website using parameter tampering -
6. Cookie tampering with tamper data-
7. Cookie tamper part 2 -
8. Understanding referer header in depth using Cisco product -
9. Introduction to ASP.NET viewstate -
10. ASP.NET viewstate in depth -
12. Cross-origin-resource-sharing explanation with example -

Phase 8 – Attacking authentication/login

1. Attacking login panel with bad password - Guess username password for the website and try different combinations
2. Brute-force login panel -
3. Username enumeration -
4. Username enumeration with bruteforce password attack -
5. Authentication over insecure HTTP protocol -
6. Authentication over insecure HTTP protocol -
7. Forgot password vulnerability - case 1 -
8. Forgot password vulnerability - case 2 -
9. Login page autocomplete feature enabled -
11. Insecure distribution of credentials - When you register in any website or you request for a password reset using forgot password feature, if the website sends your username and password over the email in cleartext without sending the password reset link, then it is a vulnerability.
12. Test for credentials transportation using SSL/TLS certificate -
14. Testing browser cache -
15. Bypassing login panel -case 1 -
16. Bypass login panel - case 2 -

Phase 9 - Attacking access controls (IDOR, Priv esc, hidden files and directories)

Completely unprotected functionalities

2. Finding admin panel and hidden files and directories -
3. Finding hidden webpages with dirbusater -

Insecure direct object reference

6. IDOR case 3 (zomato) -

Privilege escalation

7. What is privilege escalation -
8. Privilege escalation - Hackme bank - case 1 - 87cWM
9. Privilege escalation - case 2 -

Phase 10 – Attacking Input validations (All injections, XSS and mics)

HTTP verb tampering

1. Introduction HTTP verb tampering -
2. HTTP verb tampering demo -

HTTP parameter pollution

3. Introduction HTTP parameter pollution -
4. HTTP parameter pollution demo 1 -
5. HTTP parameter pollution demo 2 -
6. HTTP parameter pollution demo 3 -

XSS - Cross site scripting

10. XSS attack method using burpsuite -
11. XSS filter bypass with Xenotix -
12. Reflected XSS filter bypass 1 -
13. Reflected XSS filter bypass 2 -
14. Reflected XSS filter bypass 3 -
15. Reflected XSS filter bypass 4 -
16. Reflected XSS filter bypass 5 -
17. Reflected XSS filter bypass 6 -
18. Reflected XSS filter bypass 7 -
19. Reflected XSS filter bypass 8 -
20. Reflected XSS filter bypass 9 -
21. Introduction to Stored XSS -

SQL injection

39. Part 13 - POST parameter injection blind boolean and time based -

49. Part 23 - Bypassing addslashes - charset mismatch -

NoSQL injection

50. Introduction to NoSQL injection -
51. Introduction to SQL vs NoSQL - Difference between MySQL and MongoDB with tutorial -
52. Abusing NoSQL databases -
53. Making cry - attacking NoSQL for pentesters -

Xpath and XML injection

54. Introduction to Xpath injection -
55. Introduction to XML injection -
56. Practical 1 - bWAPP -
57. Practical 2 - Mutillidae -
58. Practical 3 - webgoat -
59. Hack admin panel using Xpath injection -

LDAP injection

63. Introduction and practical 1 -

OS command injection

65. OS command injection in bWAPP -
66. bWAAP- OS command injection with Commiux (All levels) -

Local file inclusion

67. Detailed introduction -

Remote file inclusion

70. Detailed introduction -
72. RFI introduction and demo 2 -

HTTP splitting/smuggling

73. Detailed introduction -

Phase 11 – Generating and testing error codes

1. Generating normal error codes by visiting files that may not exist on the server - for example visit chintan.php or chintan.aspx file on any website and it may redirect you to 404.php or 404.aspx or their customer error page. Check if an error page is generated by default web server or application framework or a custom page is displayed which does not display any sensitive information.
2. Use BurpSuite fuzzing techniques to generate stack trace error codes -

Phase 12 – Weak cryptography testing

1. SSL/TLS weak configuration explained -
2. Testing weak SSL/TLS ciphers -
3. Test SSL/TLS security with Qualys guard -
4. Sensitive information sent via unencrypted channels -

Phase 13 – Business logic vulnerability

2. The Difficulties Finding Business Logic Vulnerabilities with Traditional Security Tools -
6. Business Logic Flaws: Abuse Cases: Information Disclosure -

7. Business Logic Flaws: Abuse Cases: iPod Repairman Dupes Apple -
9. Business Logic Flaws: How To Navigate Code Using ShiftLeft Ocular -
10. Business Logic Security Checks: Data Privacy Compliance -
