An introduction of piggybacking why everyone should know?(2019) Piggybacking  Let's start Piggybacking refers to a situation ...

An introduction of piggybacking why everyone should know?(2019)

An introduction of piggybacking why everyone should know?(2019)
An introduction of piggybacking why everyone should know?(2019)


 Let's start

Piggybacking refers to a situation where an unauthorized party gains access to someone system in connection with an authorized party. 

This can happen in several ways,including piggybacking on public wireless networks,and piggybacking into a password protected system.

In simple words  making use of others resources for free without knowledge or permission.

Reason for piggybacking

 Computer users who either do not have their own internet connections and found someone hotspot by luck.

Many users can't afford monthly subscription or want to save money. Online courses 

 Which are sold at abc prices are leaked and used by people free ,etc. are some of the reasons and examples of piggybacking.

Legal or illegal

Sitting behind another passenger on a train, and reading their newspaper over their shoulder. Enjoying the music when a neighbor is playing in their backyard, etc are some of the examples where piggybacking is considered legal to some extent.

 Using others subscription plans, entering into others room just because it is unlocked, etc are claimed as illegal.

Laws vary from country to country. Many people support stating it harmless but some criticize by terms like leeching and freeloading.

Guys this was an basic introduction about piggybacking I think everyone must know about this  if use find useful please share with your friends also and leave a like.

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