1. Objective • History Of  C++ • Fact • Features Of C++ 2. History Of C++ • Bgarne Stroustrub • 1979 • At&T...

An Overview of C++ Programming

1. Objective

History Of  C++


Features Of C++

2. History Of C++

Bgarne Stroustrub


At&T'S Bell Labs

C with Classes

1983 (C++)

3. Facts Of C++

C++ 's OOps aspects was inspired by a computer simulation language called simula67.

Java is written in C++

Major operating system of modern times are written in C++

C++ is words 4th most used programming language


Features of C++

C++ is a middle level language.

C++ support's principal of objects oriented paradigm.

C++ joins three separate programming tradition represented by c. The object oriented language tradition represented by the class enhancement C++ add to C.

Generic programming supported by C++ template's.

5. Comparison Between C & C++

C++ is a super set of C language .

C++ program can use existing C software libraries.

C follows top down approach of programming .

C++ follows bottom up approach of lrogrprogra.

C adopts procedure oriented programming language

6. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Oops is Programming approach which revolves around the concept of "objects".

"An entity in the system that can be defined as a set of properties and set of operation performed using entity properly set is known as object".


Data hiding




7. Class  And Object

Class is a blueprint of an object.

Class is a description of objects property set and set of operation.

Creating class is as good as defining a new data type .

Class is a means to achieve encapsulation.

Object is an instance of class.

8. Class Vs Object

9. Class box⟵(data type)

10. {

11. int l,b,h; /* variable in C but here object in C++ \*

12. void set dimension(int X ,int y ,int z)

i. ⇖(function)

13. {........}

14. void showDimension()

1. ⇖(function)

15. {........}

16. };